Thursday, March 30, 2006

One man's junk...

is another man's treasure. If it were up to K, all of this would be in the garbage.

This is the home to A1 & A2's hair clips, hair bands, bracelets, costume jewelry and the such. It used to be more organized, but I've given up.

This photo could almost qualify to be in an I Spy book if I tidied it up a bit. Can you spot...
A dreidle,
A shoelace,
A fish made of ribbon,
And Hello Kitty's face?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Early Challenge

It appears that some blog members are bored because they've completed this week's challenge already. Koidies... catch up!

So, here's an early challenge. It is along the same lines as the Junk Drawer Challenge. This time around... show us your MEDICINE CABINET.

This includes any place that you keep your toiletries... on a shelf, in a cupboard, in a storage box, whatever.

The closest thing I had to a motorcycle

and the pizza I made for dinner last night (onions, mushrooms and cheese).

Junk Cubby

I was surprised when J3 was spot on with which drawer (third down) is the junk drawer, but now that I see it, it looks more like its the tool drawer, so I've included a picture of the junk cubby which gets covered by that piece of cloth, so I don't have to look at it. Note: those are only 2 of the three sections.

Note to self:

It appears as though junk drawers have graduated from the 3rd drawer down to the top drawer!

Compliant response

This is just a bump to keep my membership. Leanne is WAY organized.

My sad little fuse box

Only remarkable thing is that the boy hasn't tried to climb up and lick the fuse box yet.

But wait, there's more ...

Here's what's in and 'round my fuse box area. Structured CAT5 cabling (blue stuff) used for telco and LAN - but flexible enough to be used interchangeably; connected to separate punch blocks (black things).

Digital co-ax splitter (brass thing on top of fuse box) that splits inbound coax for cable modem/ISP access and digital TV. Signal attenuator (er?) (white thing top left corner) to boost digital TV signal so that I can send to digital TV splitter (grey thing top right) that sends cable runs throughout the house.

On the stand under that mess: cable modem, ethernet switch, wireless router, and LAN attached disk.

Questions? I didn't think so!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Voluptuous Padadoes

JGT's fusebox

Here is my fusebox... it's all new and pretty. The owner never even took the plastic off the front panel/cover. We've had to use the fusebox a couple of times because our old washing machine used in combination with anything else requiring electricity would short out our place.

And here is where the fusebox lives... in the kitchen in one of the kitchen cupboards.

Where's Wolverine?

Also in there are Stan, Gundum Captain America and Cyclops. And, of course, my weapons cache. No laughing at my 'female artists' CD collection.

Monday, March 27, 2006

JGT's junk drawer

Voila... the junk drawer. There's quite a lot of junk underneath the visible junk. You can see where I've tried to unjunkify the junk drawer by putting things into containers, like stationery, the sewing kit, etc... but the forces of nature work against me.

J2 fuse

Here's my fuse box, I haven't had to deal with it yet (knock on wood), I'm not even sure why this tiny apartment needs so many switches. Oh look, its another umbrella!

Supre Challenge

My challenge for this week is for everyone to take a photo of their house 'junk drawer' - which is often the 3rd drawer down, in case you don't know.

And don't lie, I know you have a junk drawer.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

And this is the day shot.

Hanging on my bedroom doorknobs

On the way in: Some meditation bracelets given to me by Ambie on my 28th birthday. A blue bracelet given to me by Lisa, bought at the Chinatown Markets when I was in Sydney playing at 2001 Mardi Gras.

On the way out: this is the Bliss beanie, given to me by Kerrie, my once upon a time business partner. We ran a couple of Bliss parties back in 1998 (I think). I use this to stop the doorknob from permanently marking the wall. Yes, that is dust. Shut up, Carrrrrrl.

Toys of yesteryear

Look what I found in my basement... they're a small collection compared to what the architect had. They're also much blue-er than I remember.

Just trying to recall, was Gargamel the cat or the villian?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Under the "E"

Ok, the boy's been up for about 5 hours and I've had to change him about 7 times so far. That includes several pairs of pajama pants. I'm doing a special "just for poo" load of laundry right now! It's not even a volume thing, he's just got repeating explosive diarrhhea farts - REDF. Now THAT'S a word verification.

HA! That's what I get for blogging on my laptop, with kids climbing all over me. I posted to the wrong blog and didn't even notice. No challenge here; nothing to see; move it along ...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I don't think you understand how much stuff we have in our home. That's not boasting by the way; I think it's a cry for help. Regardless - bring it!

This is in our laundry room and, yes, this is how it's usually hanging. I'm pro-kid-proofing from top-to-bottom; Leanne - only in so far as it's not inconvenient. So this is how we "compromised."

Weekly Challenge

It's been suggested that we have a weekly challenge to blog a picture of "something" each week.

Jay-too blogged "something that hangs from a handle" and supremookie has challenged the rest of to do the same.

As for future challenges, everyone can enter/blog one challenge a week if you wish, on Monday (your local time). You must be able to blog your own challenge. If you do not attempt a challenge then there's really nothing anyone can do about it. :P

Hair Bling

You know how retailers herd you in barriers and set up little stations of tiny things you don't really need, like all the candy by the cashier, or magazines you'd normally never look at? Well, this was by the counter at H&M, I bought it and never used it. But it dangles so divinely from the drawer pull of my dresser.

A lotta Buddha

There are a few buddhas in our home. I don't know why... we're not buddhist.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Show us your switch(board)!!!

Technically, this is my fuse box but I liked the title so much, I used it anyway.

My fuse cupboard also doubles as my VHS tape cabinet. Highly flammable and downright stupid, but I haven't had the urge to organise my real cupboards lately.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sugar, Salt and Pepper

From left to right: pepper mill, white sugar, cinnamon sugar, pepper mill#2, salt and pepper mill (against wall), table salt, and raw sugar. Thing is, when I need salt, I use the kosher salt in the cupboard above these.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

We may have some Chicken Issues

I'm sure if you look hard enough, we can all find some form of chicken in our homes (and I don't mean the frozen kind in your freezer!)

The "other" window

There is only one window in the apartment and this skylight. This morning I woke up to see the full moon outside...I wake up alot throughout the evening for various reasons. And yes I understand this isn't exactly "stuff" in my home, but I was in it when I took the picture!

Not even half the collection

It is hard to believe that there are another six sticks you can't see in this shot and that you're only seeing the long umbrellas. I've got one at work, three on a wine rack and one hanging from a hook, and there may even be another one in the trunk.

Jeans and Capris

Don't you love having an occupation where anything goes? As in, I only wear jeans 90% of the time and capri pants in the summer. They are the perfect accessories for my crocs. (Note: I do wear other colours other than blue and khaki).

One bag short of a chair.

I suppose if I had been given permission to get George, what you'd actually be seeing here is 300 litres of beans all over my lounge room floor.

Although, I probably wouldn't have bought a new lounge and subsequently given up my existing sofabed, which led to the buying of the bean bag.

If you put your mind to it, everything can be turned into a saga.

Mr. Nut

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Looking for a ruling on this. Technically, this is currently in my office - Mr. Planter-nut-guy.

But he was in my home, and being transient, will be in my home again.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Unnamed Chicken #2

I spotted this maybe 2 years ago on a discount table at Sears and knew I had to have it. Isn't it a beauty?

It also doubles as a night light, but I was kinda paranoid about it spontaneously combusting in the middle of the night because it doesn't really have any vents; so I took out the cord and light socket. It now sits on my dresser in my bedroom.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

You wanted it! You've got it!

These are where all the DVD's live.The giraffe, chicken, wolf, Feathers and Wallace are all good friends.
Grommit must be in hiding again.
Some of my cookbooks and a big dictionary.

Left over balls of yarn, all from scarves I've knit.

Someone is a Leafs fan!


This is the PVC punching bag, that's filled with water and air, that sits in my lounge room, that gets punched in the face after I've lost it with my virtual reality personal trainer.

Framed Spider

We have this cool wooden frame but nothing inside of it. We put it up anyway, and eventually this toy spider was placed in/on it. It's the first thing you see when you enter our home.


Pedro is our guard donkey. He guards the top shelf of the bookshelf. He does a good job.

Safari, anyone?

The small herd of elephants that are biding their time behind my television, waiting to take over my apartment.

I caught them in the middle of a reconnaissance mission. They think they're so clever...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tomiko revisited

This is evil Tomiko. She lives in a plastic box. She is on my side of the bed. One night, she will escape from her box and try to kill me. I know it!

Blog pictures of stuff in your home!

This is a joint blog for invited members (family and friends) to post pictures of their homes. For instance, one day I might want to know what J2 has in her medicine cabinet... she can then take a picture and blog it and I will smile and be happy! Or, if I've bought some new furniture, I might want to show it off here. Etc. Whatever. Yay! *claps*

Email me if you wish to invite other people to become a member of this blog.